06 November 2013

Happy Birthday, Bigfoot!

Bigfoot's birthday was in late October. Here he is wearing his birthday present from me (He is my Captain America) and being his normal silly self. And those of you who know him know that the beverage in his hand is the usual bourbon and Coke.


tffnguy said...

I bet that's really coffee in that cup. ;) BTW Fred Died yesterday morning about 2:00.

Bigfoot and Littlefoot said...

Bill told me about Fred. So sorry to hear that. He was a good ol' boy. Keep us updated.

You KNOW that's not coffee!

tffnguy said...

Will do and that could be coffee with some other amber liquid in it. Just saying...

MsBelinda said...

Happy belated birthday!

Jim said...

Happy late birthday and Happy Thanksgiving to the both of you.