02 September 2010

whine about the heat...Kapowee!!...and it's GONE!

Bigfoot here again....Caren seems to never get time (or interest?) for blogging lately. She's wrapped up in a new hobby of jewelry recycling.

For lack of anything new to blog about....I have some pics for your perusal.

Yesterday I was whining about the dried up grass, sweltering 102 degree heat, etc.....and VIOLA....we get storms rolling in last evening and rain with lighting & thunder most of the night...and still cool & drizzly at 10AM today. Nearly 2" overnight.

I'll be gathering some stuff later for our quicky trip to TR this wknd...weather shows 60% rain Friday evening there...so hope we can get down the dirt road in the Towncar. We cannot wait to get there...it's been too long (early July)

Now allow me to present my fabulous trailer collection. (too bad I can't get the pics to align properly..but you can figure it out)


tiny red Harbor Freight special...have only used once or twice (too small)

primer brown/red lightweight.. medium/small...(many TR trips with this one)

old Chevy pickup bed..good sized and pulls well (many TR trips with this too)

Long, light boat trailer..planning to make this shorter and add material bed. (work in progress)

Old faithful, 18' with ramp and tool box (used to haul to TR but sold the Excursion...nothing to pull it with now..too big for the towncar)

Lotta things to do this trip and not much time (would like to run into OFM, but not sure if he'll still be around...and not much time to run up to Alpine this trip).

Looking forward to Sunday brunch at the "dungeon by the Legion" with new and old neighbors & friends in the TR area.

Adios y'all..!!

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