26 December 2010
19 December 2010
Well, thanks to either blogger...or my lack of computer skills (or both)...the pics are in reverse sequence obviously.
It's ALL about pissin' off the neighbors
07 December 2010
12 November 2010
How long has it been since you've had a big steaming bowl of THIS BLOG?
Bigfoot here..(Caren's tied up and will blog again...someday when I untie her.!!)
okay...I just typed a butt load of stuff...only to find it did not SAVE with blogger....Grrrrr...Phooopey.!!
Short/quick version..
My bro is done with liver swap-out...doing good...and now my 80 yr old Dad is in the hosp...nearly 3 wks now...tweaked his back and can't walk. Hopefully coming home early next week. I'm becoming very acclimated to hospital stuff.
Had to do a dark-thirty garden total harvest tonite with headlamp dealio....supposed to hit 30's tonite...after being in the mid 70's this afternoon.
Garden did weirdly this year....planted perfectly in early spring, after the last frost, watered faithfully with caught rain water....used the square foot method with MAGIC DIRT..(worked well last year) But seems the Govt provided CHEMTRAILS stunted all growth....along with the super hot summer temps. lotta Okra...but nothing really started growing until the HEAT wave subsided...miniature bell peppers, mini watermellons and canteloupe....a few smallish tomatoes...basically SUCKED. Some GMO stuff from Ace Hdw...and alot of Hybrid seeds....GMO stuff grew wonderfully...but did not produce.
Anyway...heading down to the cabin for a quick Thanksgiving trip....and will be good to see our neighbors too. We really want to move there full time....someday..!!
Adios...and thanks for your patience.
22 September 2010
HOT NEWS FLASH.....(maybe)
There is an outside chance of us'ns making a move to the Trans Pecos region....may have to live in a smallish travel trailer for awhile....but I can always exhale whenever I go inside to sleep...or get outta the weather....and stay outside the rest of the time.
And we'd only be an hour or so from the cabin (under const still).
We just arrived at this notion today and are kicking it around mentally the best way I know how this late afternoon...with a good measure of golden brown liquid......WHISKEY. (Wine for Caren)
If you don't sieze the CARP (carpe diem)....and JUST DO IT....when does it ever seem like the "right time"???
It'd be pretty soon...like late this year....and we'd have to find a "house sitter" for our very small place here near DFW.
But DAMN.....we REALLY do want to figure out how to make this work.!!!
okay.....enough for now..
hope every one is doing good.
Adios Y'all....
Bigfoot & Littlefoot
17 September 2010
Baylor Dallas....does it ever end?
1. Called in for Liver transplant and gets it on 8-16
2. one week later Baylor opens him up again to fix blood leak at top of liver
3. he's home a few days later, but going back for twice a week follow up (standard for liver transplants)
4. He's had a sinus infection for many weeks prior to transplant and we've let everyone know at several points along the path. He was on antibiotic meds for this at the time he was called in for transplant. But all meds stopped at that time!
5. During routine after transplant 1 week later checkup visit to Baylor he breaks into severe uncontrollable shivers in the waiting room and temp runs up to 103....head cat scan shows nasal "polyp"..they have to go into his nasal passage to get rid of this but turns out to benot a polyp but ball of "fungus" aka severe sinus blockage infection with puss locked in sinus area behind it. While on the anti rejection meds from liver trans....his body cannot fight this and there are fears of "blood poisoning" or SEPSIS....major deal (why don't they listen during pre transplant days???)
6. Got this under control...and he's released from Baylor with a large swollen left arm..they "checked" and no blood clot here...."it'll go down in a couple of days"
7. back to this week for Baylor for routine twice a week visit...Doc is concerned about big arm...wants to re-do the sonogram on his arm (did it 6 days ago..got "OK" from Baylor sonogram)
8. Did a fresh sonagram Tues this week....tech says BOOM there it is...a 6" long blood clot in his shoulder/upper bicep vein...he's gotta check back into the Baylor Hosp AGAIN.
9. 2 Days later...after blood thinning IVs...he's released again yesterday...(he really hates this ordeal as he's NEVER been in a hosp other than this transplant ordeal)
10. Home at my parent's house now...again.
gotta go back Sunday AM for blood work....and back Tue next week for regular checkups.
70 miles each way for us from west side of FTW....but gotta do it...can change to FTW Baylor after all these screwups by Baylor are simmered down.
What do you expect for a half million $$$ dollar tab???? (best guestimate for this ordeal with all Baylor-related complications)
Glad he has excellent insurance.....(I ain't got none so I oughta ease up on the Bourbon, huh?)
Sorry for the looong post....but facts is facts, maam
10 September 2010
Quick trip to Terlingua Ranch last wknd
02 September 2010
whine about the heat...Kapowee!!...and it's GONE!
tiny red Harbor Freight special...have only used once or twice (too small)
primer brown/red lightweight.. medium/small...(many TR trips with this one)
old Chevy pickup bed..good sized and pulls well (many TR trips with this too)
Long, light boat trailer..planning to make this shorter and add material bed. (work in progress)
Old faithful, 18' with ramp and tool box (used to haul to TR but sold the Excursion...nothing to pull it with now..too big for the towncar)
01 September 2010
SEPT 1, 2010.......is summer ever going to end?
07 August 2010
same ol' same ol'......and just plain HOT
28 June 2010
Quick Cabin Trip
24 June 2010
The Happy Couples
17 June 2010
Betting, Fretting, and Wedding
So--wanna take bets on when they'll successfully 'plug the hole?' I wish I could be optimistic, but I'm betting it'll be late August at the earliest. I hope I'm wrong and that it's much sooner.
I had an interview today for a full-time position of Associate Professor at a local college. I think it went well, but who really knows. But I'm not fretting too much about it since I am lucky enough to already be employed (even if only part-time).
Bigfoot's son (?"Mediumfoot"?) is getting married on Saturday. Rehearsal Dinner on Friday night. So a big weekend in the works for us.
12 June 2010
Same Old, Same Old
More pictures from our last cabin trip.
Our cabin will be fairly 'rustic' inside with a few splashes of color. What you see is me refurbishing an antique medicine cabinet. This is what happens when Bigfoot finds a good deal on paint--You never know what color we'll end up with--I'm calling this particular color 'Ocotillo Red.'
05 June 2010
Child Protective Services
Let's look at some picture from our last Cabin Trip.
Me petting a very large millipede--He/she quickly retreated under the deck.
21 May 2010
American Legion
We had Tffnguy over for 'brunch' this morning. It was beautiful weather this morning. Quickly turned hot. We had a high temperature today on our thermometer of 111 degrees.
I need to wrap this up. I feel like I'm being unsociable with my nose buried in this computer. More later. . . and pictures.
18 May 2010
To The Cabin
Today was also the last day of the term for me. As I write (at 9:15 pm) I'm on campus waiting for ONE student to finish her final exam. Then I will upload her grade, print my report, turn it in and GET OUT OF HERE!
I've got to get home, pack my clothes (don't need much--we tend to wear the same thing day after day), finish packing food, etc. I may wait until early morning to do some of this stuff as I'm probably going to be pretty tired when I get home.
My younger son, Bruce, turned 20 today. Jaysus--Where does the time go??!! We had an early dinner with lots of good conversation. He just finished his sophomore year at A&M. Again--I'm a very proud mom.
I'll check in tomorrow as we drive to our little piece of heaven--Fustercluck Corner.